This site sells the works of graphic artist Tetsuro Imai. 


Tetsuro Imai Artist's statement


I pursue expression that combines tradition and contemporary culture from a unique perspective. Specifically, I reinterpret the classic Japanese style of ukiyo-e with modern themes, and depict Japanese customs and current affairs through adorable female characters against the backdrop of Japanese pop culture of the 80s and 90s, where I was born and raised. I create a worldview where nostalgia and modernity coexist by incorporating a Showa-era retro atmosphere while respecting Edo culture and the Japanese sense of beauty. In addition, my Shibari (bondage) themed works explore the delicate balance between eroticism and artistry while remaining pop. I combine the themes of flowers, women, and bound beauty to bring out a depth of emotion and aesthetics that goes beyond mere erotic art. I respect the traditions and cultures of the past and reinterpret them from a modern perspective. Through the technique of Ukiyo-e, I aim to breathe new life into the contemporary art scene.


Pop reinterpretation of Ukiyo-e techniques, Showa-era retro and bondage art. Furthermore, in Shibari art (physical bondage) and erotic expression, the work deals with social themes such as freedom and restriction (bondage), and connects them to gender and the liberation of the body, provoking thought and emotion in the viewer.

Future Development

While deepening the message and social and cultural significance of the work, it is important to make it not only visually appealing but also have the power to evoke thoughts and feelings in the viewer. In addition, I plan to diversify the size and format of our works, and create works with an awareness of the space and viewing experience.



独自の視点で伝統と現代文化を結びけた表現を追求。具体的には浮世絵という日本の古典的な様式を現代的なテーマで再解釈し、自らが生まれ育った80 年代90年代の日本ポップカルチャーの背景に、愛らしい女性キャラクターを通じ日本の風俗や時事を描く。



浮世絵の技法や昭和のレトロ感、緊縛アートのポップな再解釈。 さらに Shibariアート(身体の拘束)やエロティックな表現において、自由と制約(束縛)といった社会的なテーマを扱い、 ジェンダーや身体の解放に結びつけ、 観る者に対して思考や感情を引き起こす。

